Pearce, M.J. (2024). Motivation Slipping? 3 Powerful Strategies to Regain Your Momentum. The Medium.
Pearce, M.J. (2020). A Psychologist’s 10 Tips for Staying Emotionally Healthy During the Corona Virus. The Medium.
Pearce, M.J. (June, 2017). Mindful Eating. Blog for Center for Integrative Medicine.
Integrative Health Coaching and Education: A Discussion with Michelle Pearce, PhD. The Integrative Palliative Podcast. (April, 2024)
“Mental health and COVID-19” Face-to-Face with Dr. Jarrell, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (May, 2020)
Integrating Science and Faith for Recovery from Depression. Hope for Mental Health Conference, Hunt Valley, MD (June, 2020)